Friday, June 24, 2005

Obsessive hypochondria du jour

This week I've run twice, each time for an hour. If someone had told me a few months ago that I'd be running voluntarily for an hour at a time I'd have called them crazy. Specifically, I might have said "you're smoking crack!"

So there's something going on with my right heel. Whenever I walk I have the sensation of a mild snapping, like someone's lightly flicking my heel with a rubber band. There's no popping sound, no swelling and no pain. But it is an annoying sensation, and it wigs me out because my basic anatomy knowledge tells me this area is near the achilles tendon, which as far as I'm concerned, would be a nightmare to injure.

I'm inclined to ignore it, but I'm posting here in case one of youse has ever felt anything similar.

On tap for this weekend: a bike food tour. I'm going to bike to a farmer's market and Italian deli, and then on to a bakery. I've developed something of a bread compulsion. You know that girl, at the bread aisle at the supermarket who stands there for ten minutes, blocking the aisle, picking up every loaf, muttering to herself, putting one in her cart, staring at it and then putting it back on the shelf? That's me.

Somewhere along the way I got it into my head that I must buy bread that has at least 3 grams of fiber per serving. Well, in perusing the backs of loaves recently, I've discovered that every single damn loaf sold at the supermarket has a gazillion ingredients, all including fructose or some sort of corn sweetener. You know, I'm not entirely on the "no processed foods" bandwagon, because I loves me some Doritos, but something about not being able to find bread with a simple ingredients list bugs me. After all, bread should just be flour, yeast, some sort of liquid, sugar and maybe a fat like butter or oil, right? Even the bakery bread at the supermarket had an ingredient list several inches long.

So since I can't cook worth a darn, I'm off to buy some fresh-baked, likely wildly expensive bread at an artisinal bakery.

Oh, and, yay Spurs! I live about two miles from downtown, and sleep with my windows open. At 11 p.m. last night a wall of sound began -- shouting, horns honking -- that was a bit eerie, floating to me through my window. The city really felt united, even this morning everyone is smiling and glowing -- how interesting it is that sports can make people feel part of a community, that it can generate such goodwill and satisfaction. I didn't even watch the game, but I'm grinning like a fool this morning.


At 9:52 AM, Blogger neca said...

Bread.... yumm.... That's why I got a bread machine - I know what goes in there. And I can make awesome bread cheap!

At 11:23 AM, Blogger KJ said...

Is Harvest Bread company still there in Castle Hills on NW Military before Lockhill-Selma? We used to buy bread there all the time.
About the heel - from a medical standpoint could be a ganglion cyst, sometimes from improper shoes or rubbing.
Love your blog

At 12:29 PM, Blogger brent said...

that sounds funky, with the heel. haven't heard of it but hopefully its nothing! those are some nice runs, an hour is muy fantastico!
i only watched game 7, but i followed the whole series (i'm a sports talk radio junkie, plus there's the whole sportscenter thing). it was an interesting series.

At 7:23 AM, Blogger M@rla said...

I'm with you on the bread - too many ingredients, too much corn sweetener. I can sometimes find a $$$ bread that uses cane juice for sugar, that's a little better.

I actually have had the twangy thing in the heel, but probably not for 20 years or so! It went away on its own, didn't turn into anything I needed to treat. BUT, and I have absolutely no medical expertise to back this up, it might be the beginning of that whats-it thing, plantar fasciitis or however it's spelled. Maybe you weren't warmed up enough before exercise?

At 3:04 PM, Blogger vj said...

Good for you on your bike tour. I've decided that I need to do a grocery store tour of this russian-asian section of Portland. What fun.

I am addicted to Great Harvest. I had one of their sandwiches today, yum. But I agree -- I either want to eat stuff that is really good for me, or stuff that is really good, so give me some yummy wholewheat so I can squeeze that baguette in later in the week!


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