Friday, December 10, 2004

I think I overdid it.

I set a goal of exercising every day this week. It was going fine:

Monday: run, 35 min
Tuesday: swim, 20 min
Wednesday: run, 35 min

Then came Thursday. I'd been reading LexySmash and gotten all fired up about weight training (thanks, girl!) based on her fabulous results, and she referred me to some of the beginner's workouts at the equally-fabulous Krista's site.

So last night I went to the Y (have I mentioned that have a two-month special rate membership? I thought it might be useful during the winter months.) So I arrive a half-hour before a Yoga/Pilates class I want to try and decide I might as well get in some cardio. I worked up a nice sweat on the elliptical machine and the rower.

The Yogalates class was an hour long but was excellent. I really enjoy these kinds of stretching classes. Some of the stretches feel so good I swear it's like I want to take a blissful nap right then and there. Then again, some of the pilates work is really, really challeninging and even painful. I'm against pain, ya'll.

Finally I went to the weight room with my sheaf of Internet printouts from Krista's site. There was one other girl there so that made me feel less conspicious, though I must say that the total vibe of that room was one of display and observation. I did the beginner workout with mostly 5 pound weights. I felt pretty uncomfortable emotionally the whole time, and very much embarrased of my 5 pound weights. Arrgh!

So I resorted to the mantra I revert to in situations where I'm feeling out of place, or trying to be brave. It's very easy and consists of "Fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck it!" shouted at top level in my head. It sort of creats a calming buzz in my head. Sometimes I yell "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" at particular people who are making me feel insecure, and so this general hate helps to bolster my spirits.

I am a petty person, people.

I woke up this morning very, very sore. I'm hobbling about and indulging in lots of copious wincing. I don't know if this is retribution for the Pilates or the weights or the elliptical, but I'm pretty sure most of it is payback for the sin of mentally telling innocent, harmless strangers to fuck off.

But, despite it all, I did enjoy the lifting and will try it again, and will practice being nicer next time. Well, a little nicer at least.


At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on taking that step into weight training. I don't know why it's so hard for women to do, but it is. So pat yourself on the back. You made it further than the majority ever do.

I'm not sure about places like the Y you went to, but a lot of times the "display and observation" is simply our own minds trying to justify to us the fact that we are out of our comfort zone. Most places really aren't that way at all and you'll see it once you hang around for a while and get to know the feel of the place. I hope you stick with it long enough to find that out.

Don't ever be embarrassed using 5 lb weights. You MUST start somewhere and 3 or 5 lb weights is where that is. If you were to pick up a 10 or 15 lb dumbbell and try to do the same things, chances are you would really hurt yourself. Remember, it's all about baby steps. Again, be proud of yourself for at least taking that first one. I don't think you'll regret it, especially when you start seeing the results.

Good luck.

Miles to Go

At 7:51 AM, Blogger Mia Goddess said...

I am soooo stealing your mantras! "just 5 pounds"? No such thing! I'd bet you're sore from the weights, and probably from the novelty of it. You'll be less sore after you do it again. Of course you'll do it again. You're Megan. xoxo Mia

At 7:12 PM, Blogger vj said...

Hey, good for you going and doing for the first time. It's hard, but I love your mantra (and I'll use it, if you don't mind for when I get self-conscious). Realistically, we all do, and it's hard to remember that other people's words/actions aren't about you (or I), but all about them. (and chanting fuck it or fuck you just means your chanting that--just words)

Now. Pilates kicks my butt, and I've been doing it now for a couple months. It gets better, really, but it still aches a day or so afterwards. If I weight-lift a new heavier weight, or do a new machine/lift/thingee, I hurt. It's natural. Aching means your muscles are adapting to the new work. As long as you give those muscles a rest, that's positive.

Yeah you overdid it. Just be sure you do it again (though maybe with a little less enthusiasm). :)

At 9:31 PM, Blogger brent said...

funny mantra hehe. most people don't care about who's lifting what at the gym. keep on keepin' on!


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