Mom had an upper GI test done last week. The nurses told her to fast before the test, not even coffee for breakfast. Mom says she was so spaced out by the lack of caffeine that as she lay on the exam table, she looked down at her feet and realized she was wearing one brown shoe and one blue shoe.
I have made myself be productive at work this week, mostly to stave off boredom and an end-of-the-week paperwork disaster. I have a little sticky note on my desk, in cryptic notation, that says "JS group with J." Which translates as "job search group with Javier." It struck me as a grand idea last week, since both Javier and I are bored and sick of this job, that we should join forces to get new work.
This is a great plan. I've had similar plans before, in all kinds of areas. It's the follow-through that's killer. If I let myself not worry about money, conventional definitions of success, imagined parental expectations and my own vanity, I think I'd love to take some room-and-board job overseas. But really, my own lack of action to accomplish much of anything is glaringly pathetic.
Current crafty fixations: crocheted afghan, marble magnets, pad thai receipes, window treatments and ways to recycle cassette and VHS tapes.
I have no real actual crafty talents, but the obsessions and the long trips to craft, yarn and grocery stores seem to be fulfillment enough.
Still not sure whether I like blogger or live journal best. Am actually quite surprised that all coherent thought dissapears as soon as I try to type. Maybe will use this space to respond to writing prompts?