Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Magical Mystery Ride

Piggybacking on my last post, here is a brief recap of another core city ride Rainey and I did this weekend:

The ride started with a quick jaunt to the farmer's market, where we both bought zinnia bouquets and Texas peaches. We followed that up with a ride downtown to hang out for a bit at a coffeeshop and to buy some earrings.

And then, I easily talked Rainey into riding deep into the South side of town to a botanica I've always wanted to visit out of (respectful) curiosity. It's interesting to me that places like this exist and/or co-exist along with a culture that is traditionally Catholic or christian evangelical.

There certainly is an interesting blend of spirtualism in the local area. For example, every year during the Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration the local cemeteries are filled with families bringing flowers and decorations and tokens for their loved ones (beer seems to be a popular token). But if you walk around these cemeteries, every once in a while you'll see a grave with a bag of trash on it, signaling that someone is still fairly pissed off. It's a different concept of the divide between the living and the dead than what I, with my abstract, intellectual Protestantism, grew up with.

Now, while the Day of the Dead celebration acknowldeges a certain mystery and mystecism about death, a botanica is just a full-on black magic shop acknowledging all kinds of otherwordly forces and powers.

Anyway, we arrived at our destination after a few miles:

The other side of this building is a fish supply store: Papa Jim's Aquarium. Go figure.

Here are some of the hundreds of magical waters available for purchase at Papa Jim's, though these are all available in different forms, such as in perfumes, soaps, floorwashes, powders, oils, bathsalts, candles and sprays:

African Voodoo Water: used to add strength to one's will and determination
Lonely Soul water (Al Anima Sola): used to help the spirits cross over when someone dies
As You Please water: Makes others do as you please: good for disobedient children
Bend Over water (Inclinarse): gives you power over others, bends them to their knees
Black Chicken water (Gallina Negra): removes jinx
Bring Back Lover water: use to bring that special someone back to you
Damnation Water: used to cause great distress and bad luck to your enemies
Jury Winning Water: use to have power and success over jury
Law Stay Away (contra la ley): keeps the law away and stops them from harassing you
Lucky Bingo water: brings you luck in bingo, Anoint corners of bingo cards
Never Forget Me and Love Me Forever water: you will always be on your partner's mind
Quick Job water (trabajo pronto): when seeking employment wear this for fast success
Special #20 water: loosen someone's tongue, make them tell you the truth
Stay At Home water: put this on a wandering mate to keep them at home where they belong
Stop Bill Collectors water: use to keep all the bill collectors from bothering you everywhere
To Get Rid Of water (sal para fuera): sprinkle in the path of someone you need to get rid of
Wealthy Way water: used to help make you rich
Weed Of Misfortune water: causes you enemies to loose everything they own

My favorite was a soap called "Yo Puedo Mas Que Tu" or "I Can More Than You", which is used to have more power than anyone else. Ever. Categorically. Sort of seems like there should be a "nanny-nanny-boo-boo" along with that one, though.

I was secretly hoping that in perusing the shelves I might find a magical potion called "Lethargy Begone" or "Light Fire Under Butt" or even Chris' famous "Dig In and Push." I'd seriously buy me those in bulk and bathe in the water twice a day, like a faithful, pious and fervent believer.

All in all, it was a 25+ mile bike day, and educational, to boot. I'm thinking my next destination ride will involve a tour of historical cemeteries and/or churches or maybe a full-moon ride one fine evening. My bike, she is my muse!


At 11:22 AM, Blogger Allan said...

Surfed over from Renee's sort off, fell on the salad question. Easy stuff. I am a trained chef by the way, so I almost can vouch for myself. First thing is to go to K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Target whatever you like and buy 2 quart sized Tupperware containers. Get the cheapest brand they have that are reusable. Clean em of course and dry them well. At the same time, pick up for $10 a "Salad Spinner". This stupid thing is the key to good slaad. Go to the market and buy the following for tsaty results. Get some Romain lettuce, some Bibb and some Mixed field greens. Get them with the stalks, untrimmed, not packaged and cut. Get some Red Onion, some Celery and some cucumbers. In the spice aisle you are looking for Celery Seeds ground. Little container, about $3.00 worth will last you a millenium. Take it all home and prep. Salad gets trimmed, washed and put in spinner. Dry it until it cracks. Water is salads' kryptonite. put the lettuce in one of the containers. Put the wet stuff, (the cucumbers, red onion, tomatoes) in the other container. Dressing stays out. When you are ready to eat, Take some out of container ! and some out of container B. Sprinkle on some salt, some pepper and some Celery seeds. Reseal the other two conatiners. The tow tupperwares will keep in the fridge for ten days. The mixed salad will keep for 5 hours. Add dressing to the mixed salad and eat. Way cheaper, much more tasty and wont rot...

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Paige said...

Good tips, Alan!

Megan, Find it completely hilarious that you were looking at Papa Jims. My great gramps was a Curanderismo(basically a mexican catholic witch doctor) and to this day, I still find myself doing things that he told us about. Don't know if all of it works, but some of it does appear to have some truth. I know a lot of the 'holistic' approaches that have come out the past few years, are stuff that my entire family has practiced at one point in time. LOL.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger vj said...

Sounds like a great ride, and educational too! I'd buy some Dig In and Push floor cleaner, man, I would.

At 6:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting.. I thought the Special #20 was something different entirely *blush*

At 4:00 AM, Blogger M@rla said...

How cool that your healthy bike rides bring you to such wonderful places, too!


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