Tuesday, April 13, 2004

About two months ago I slammed a telephone pole with my car. The telephone pole survived, but my car did not.

After a few weeks of rental and parental cars, I was on my own. And because of an inherent laziness, of a conviction that I attract shady con artists and of a non-existent budget, I’ve avoided shopping for cars.

So I started taking the bus, which meant walking to the bus stops to and from my home and office. I like public transportation. In fact, I’m enamored of the idea. Whenever I’m in a city with a subway or a high-speed rail, I’m faint with giddiness. And I’m happier in the mornings after a brisk walk, and I enjoy the chance to people-watch and read my books.

So, in riding the bus my commute went from 15 to 40 minutes. And despite my tolerance and frequent enjoyment of the bus system, the time spent waiting for busses and bus transfers began to irritate me.

But then, one Sunday, I decided to try and find a residential bike route to my office. And after some tooling around, I found an acceptable route that avoided the busier streets. And it only took me 20 minutes.

I really like this route, even though most people feel that I’m riding through the “dangerous” part of the city, which is actually code for “dirt poor” and “crawling with people of color.” It’s gorgeous in the early morning, when the air still holds a chill and the streets are quiet. I have time to look at peoples’ houses and wonder about their lives. I have time to breathe in lungfuls of sweet, scented spring air. I have time to fall in love with the soft green of budding trees.

I’m going to incorporate this ride into my triathlon training. I’d like to ride to work at least 2 – 3 times/week, even if and when I do buy a new car.

This week, I joined a local group training for the June Danskin sprint triathlon in Austin. I’ll only be able to attend half the sessions, but I’m hoping the all-female support will be helpful.

Today, after work, I’m going to walk the ½ mile or so to the natatorium to swim. Then bus it home with my wet hair and fins sticking out of my bag.

Running is the only question mark. Since I ate pavement falling off my bike last Saturday, my knee has been very painful. I’d like to treat it gently before I start trying to jog again.

Finally, I’ll start this Thursday a twice-weekly strength training workout at the hospital gym across the street.

As for changes in my eating habits, Lord, I don’t know if I can even add that to my plate. But I certainly know from past experience that I can be extremely physically active, and look and feel more toned but still weigh the same.

So, eating. The only commitment I’m willing to make right now is to cut back on sweets and white flour. I WILL NOT start eating food that tastes bland and fake.

Who knew that slamming into that telephone pole back in February would be helping me now in April to treat my body with more care and respect?


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